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6 Pradoshams: 3 months (2 per month)

6 Pradoshams: 3 months (2 per month)

Karma, Pradosham and Saturn: The Inextricable Link Pradosham literally means Removal of Sins. Pradosham times are the windows of opportunity to remove karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life. It is the time that Shiva absorbs the karma from people. The twilight, pradosham, marks the end of the day light and beginning of night. Day is ruled by Gods, angels and saints while night is ruled by evil spirits.

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Pradosham times are the windows of opportunity to remove Karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life. Be in a meditative mode during Pradosham time and use the powerful chant of "Thiru Neela Kantam" Participate in this powerful Anointing Ceremony/Abhishekam to remove your Karma or karmic energies.

The twilight is the time of Shiva when he absorbs the day and night, good and evil and all opposites into oneness. This time of transition is also one of transcendence. The twilight time is also called End Time when earth ends. No one can afford to miss this powerful time on a daily basis.

The times occur daily as well as on 13th Moons.

Pradosham timings provide the ideal opportunities to dissolve karmas. Be in a meditative mode during pradosham time and use the powerful chant of "Thiru Neela Kantam" Since we accrue karmas every day, karma removal is an ongoing process; quite like cleaning your house or brushing your teeth.

These Karma Busting windows of opportunities called Pradoshams occur daily and on 13th Moons.

Why Have Karma Removed?

The ultimate purpose of our human life is God realization. This is an often repeated statement. But Siddhas tell you that you can get to your life purpose only when your karma has been wiped clean, and the time is ripe for grace to flow to you. When that happens an intense flowering happens, and both the material and spiritual worlds open up for you. You have a choice then on the abundance that you are presented with.

Whether you take the spiritual or material route, one thing is certain: you have to completely eliminate your karma to even to get there. Pradosham rituals give a great opportunity to build a road to prosperity and true happiness.

Ganesha Fire Lab

Ganesha Fire Lab (Homa For Obstacle Removal and Success)

Ganesha Fire Lab This Fire Lab can remove impediments on your way of success, as well as bring in luck and prosperity for you.

US $ 154.00
Jupiter Fire Lab (Homa)

Jupiter Fire Lab (Jupiter Planetary Blessings Homa)

This Jupiter homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of success and teacher of the humankind. He represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire. This homa is targeted receive his blessings for success in endeavors, increase imagination, gain knowledge and serve as an inspiration to others.

US $ 154.00
Mercury Fire Lab (Homa)

Mercury Fire Lab (Mercury Planetary Blessings Homa)

This homa invokes the blessings of Mercury. Propitiating this powerful celestial body, which represents knowledge, communication and speech can make you sharp-witted and hone your oratory skills. Performing Mercury homa can help you harness the positive energies of Mercury to keep the powers of writing, painting, philosophy and learning within your grasp.

US $ 154.00
Saturn Fire Lab (Homa)

Saturn Fire Lab (Saturn Planetary Blessings Homa)

The Saturn Homa (Fire Lab) is dedicated to the planet Saturn and is performed to appease and harness his blessings to overcome trials and tribulations in life. Saturn’s powerful energy can affect your life and at times may seem to be overbearing, but the purpose of its influence is to guide you towards the right path.

US $ 154.00
Sun Fire Lab(Homa)

Sun Fire Lab (Sun Planetary Blessings Homa)

You may think, dream, imagine, and hope to be a thousand things, but the Sun is what you are! To be your best self in terms of your Sun, cause your energies to work along the path in which they will have maximum help from the planetary vibrations.

US $ 154.00
Venus Fire Lab (Homa)

Venus Fire Lab (Venus Planetary Blessings Homa)

This Venus homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Venus. The planet Venus is ruled by Goddess Lakshmi and governs the female gender. He can empower you to harness your creativity and give expression to your abilities. Perform Venus homa to receive blessings for longevity, wealth, progeny, happiness, property and good education.

US $ 154.00

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