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Future of Marital life: 2 years report

Future of Marital life: 2 years report

You will be surprised to find out how Moon, Venus and Mars are constantly present between you and your partner. The study of planetary placement in one’s birth-chart throws light on the emotional strength of the person and his or her ability to bond with relationships.Love and Marriage are essential for emotional fulfillment and when two people bond together into a relationship it is aunion of two spiritsas well as the forces of planets.
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You will be surprised to find out how Moon, Venus and Mars are constantly present between you and your partner. The study of planetary placement in one’s birth-chart throws light on the emotional strength of the person and his or her ability to bond with relationships.Love and Marriage are essential for emotional fulfillment and when two people bond together into a relationship it is aunion of two spiritsas well as the forces of planets. Astrology, through analysis of planetary influences and their effects on individuals provide insight into the dynamics of relationship.

To protect and strengthen the fine and delicate thread of marital relationship, beneficial intervention of astrologers is often necessary. A better perspective will help you resolve various issues of life together with your partner. Our astrologers provide astrological analysis and prediction for various aspects of your marital life and love life for a period of 2 years.

Understanding Nature and Personality
Conflicts in a relationship happens between people due to many reasons, it may be due to different socio- cultural backgrounds, when one partner tries to change the other person based on his or her likings, or when one gets too intimate and come too close to habits of another person and varied other reasons.

Analyzeyour situation in the light of planetary influences with an astrologer. Understand your partner better;know his or hernature,earlier experiences to find out,

  • How compatible you will be with each other for next 2 years
  • What circumstances you should avoid

Health Issues and Sexual Life
Health issues can strain your love life. Sexual life can lead to certain health problems. Change of environment, routine, or addiction can lead to health problems too. Even pregnancy, child-birth can cause complications to health.

Find out through an astrologer, how you will solve your health problems and what precautions should be taken in next 2 years like: 

  • What condition or place might affect one's health
  • Whether it is a good time to have children?

Wealth Creation
Financial loss or gain affects relations. Financial independence, buying assets for family, making investments can affect relation in a positive or adverse way. 

Seek help of an astrologer to find out about your next 2 years: 

  • How one should keep a watch over expenses
  • How one can create more wealth
  • If financial freedom is good for each one or their relationship
  • What kind of investments one should make
  • Which member has better luck for wealth creation and so on

Interference by in-laws, Relatives and Friends
Interference of in-laws and relatives can affect relationships too. A partner too much inclined to please friends and relatives may get into friction in relationship with his or her partner. One may also gain wealth or emotional support from them too. 

With the help of an astrologer, find out:

  • How in-laws will influence your partner in next 2 years
  • What kind of friend will be supportive forrelationship
  • Who can cause harm and how?

Progeny Factor
Having children is a serious consideration for couple especially when both of them have busy careers. It also brings lot of changes to our routines, expenses and so on. Find out whether next 2 years is a good time to have children. 

Find out from astrologers:

  • Whether you may suffer from miscarriages or any problem during child-birth
  • How will be health of child and other members in the family

Influence of Children in Marital-Familial Relations
After birth of a child in the family, life of the parents undergoes a major shift. It calls for lot of commitment, good disciplines, and conscious efforts to resolve differences as smoothly as possible and so on.
Find out from astrologers how the 2 years after child-birth would be:

  • What level of commitment each partner will have
  • How each partner will manage stress at home and office and tender emotions of each other
  • How much good time they will spend together as family
  • What values one will bring to the family
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Prasna (Horary Astrology)

Instant Insight is a Prasna (Question) or Horary Astrology based on an ancient and unique branch of Vedic Astrology. 'Hora' loosely means 'the hour'. It is also known as 'Prasna Shastra', meaning "Question Ancient Wisdom" as it involves a person asking a specific question and examining the current location of the all planets in the sky. Using the current planetary position, an answer is revealed. Your birth chart is not used.

US $ 11.00

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