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Mantra Writing Om Rahave Dattatreya Siva Baba: 100008 Times

Mantra Writing Om Rahave Dattatreya Siva Baba: 100008 Times

On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Rahave Dattatriya Siva Baba’ according to the number of repetitions you want. 'Rahave' invokes the energy of planet Rahu, and ‘Dattatriya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name. Writing mantras involves focus, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor's consciousness.
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On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Rahave Dattatriya Siva Baba’ according to the number of repetitions you want. 'Rahave' invokes the energy of planet Rahu, and ‘Dattatriya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name. Writing mantras involves focus, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor's consciousness.

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