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Lakshmi Ganapathi Homam

Lakshmi Ganapathi Homam

Lakshmi Ganapathi Homa helps reducing debts and financial problems and increasing financial viability.
US $ 63.00
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The Lakshmi Vinayaka Mantra describes Ganesha as one with Golden complexion, with four arms, holding the tusk, conch and chakra in three of them, while showing abhaya mudra with his fourth. Bhaya means fear; abhaya means removal of fear. Only those who have courage can create wealth. Through the abhaya mudra (the gesture of protection) he promises to remove all hindrances faced by his devotees. It also symbolically represents the principle of courage. This homa helps reducing debts and financial problems and increasing financial viability. Conjoined with the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi Ganapathi bestows fortune, fertility, beauty, charm, courage and wisdom.

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