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Rose Quartz Bracelet

Rose Quartz Bracelet

Rose Quartz Bracelet Rose quartz is the "love stone." It promotes love, compassion, and forgiveness, and is often associated with Archetypal Being Saraswati, who bestows higher intelligence, higher learning, and artistic/musical talents, as well as technical knowledge.
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US $ 17.00
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Rose Quartz Bracelet Rose quartz is the "love stone." It promotes love, compassion, and forgiveness, and is often associated with Archetypal Being Saraswati, who bestows higher intelligence, higher learning, and artistic/musical talents, as well as technical knowledge. Rose quartz has a calming influence and can help clear emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy, and fear. Wearing this rose quartz bracelet can stimulate love and open your heart energies, promote inner peace and happiness, and help with ailments of the heart, circulatory system, and skin.

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