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Energized Mala  (54:1 Beads) with Lay Crystal Shivalingam Pendant

Energized Mala (54:1 Beads) with Lay Crystal Shivalingam Pendant

Wearing this energized Mala is extremely beneficial to mitigate the malefic effects of planets or their afflictions. The energized Shivalingam pendant can remove negativity, confer protection, and bestow harmonious vibrations throughout your home and workspace.
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US $ 50.00
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Energized Mala (54+1 Beads) with Lay Crystal Shivalingam Pendant

Wearing this energized Mala is extremely beneficial to mitigate the malefic effects of planets or their afflictions. The energized Shivalingam pendant can remove negativity, confer protection, and bestow harmonious vibrations throughout your home and workspace.

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