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Ashta Bhairava (8 Forms of Bhairava) Statues Set

Ashta Bhairava (8 Forms of Bhairava) Statues Set

Book your Ashta Bhairava (8 Forms of Bhairava) Statue Set energized in Dr. Pillai’s Ashta (eight) Bhairava service for destroying fear and boosting confidence. Having this energized statue set in your sacred altar can invoked the combined blessings of eight Bhairavas to boost creativity, attract royal favor, improve confidence, remove obstacles and doubts, diffuse fear, clear bad karma and boost wealth.
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US $ 305.00
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Book your Ashta Bhairava (8 Forms of Bhairava) Statue Set energized in Dr. Pillai’s Ashta (eight) Bhairava service for destroying fear and boosting confidence. Having this energized statue set in your sacred altar can invoked the combined blessings of eight Bhairavas to boost creativity, attract royal favor, improve confidence, remove obstacles and doubts, diffuse fear, clear bad karma and boost wealth.

These eight uniquely crafted 5-metal statues when invoked can bestow the following blessings.

  1. Asitanga Bhairava (Creativity Boosting Bhairava) – Removes curses in life and enhances creative skills
  2. Ruru Bhairava (Bhairava who Attracts Royal Favor) – Helps win over enemies and bestows power to attract and rule others
  3. Chanda Bhairava (Bhairava Who Bestows Confidence, Success and Multiple Powers) – Improves confidence levels and grants success in competitions
  4. Krotha Bhairava (Bhairava Who Removes Obstacles in Constructive Efforts) – Removes obstacles in life
  5. Unmatha Bhairava (Doubt Removing and Progress Bestowing Bhairava) – Helps get rid of negative thoughts and gives growth
  6. Kapala Bhairava (Wealth Boosting Bhairava) – Bestows productivity and the ability to progress in work and action
  7. Beeshana Bhairava (Fear Diffusing Bhairava) – Helps conquer internal negativities and protects from evil eye
  8. Samhara Bhairava (Bad Karma Cleansing Bhairava) – Reduces the impact of past bad karmic deeds and helps realize dreams

Directions For Using Ashta Bhairava (8 Forms of Bhairava) Statues Set

Place the Ashta Bhairava statues set on a sacred altar or a prayer room facing north or east.

You can perform Abishekam (hydration ceremony) to the statues with rose water or milk according to your personal practice- daily, weekly, or monthly. After Abishekam, rinse the statue with water and wipe it dry.

You can put round dots of sandalwood paste at the four corners of the base and on the forehead of the deities.

Light a candle or ghee lamp and an incense stick in front of the statues.

You can offer any fragrant white flowers and fresh or dry fruits, as Prasad, as well.

Sit before the statue in meditation on 8th Moon days.

Please Note: The statue's color may change over a period, especially with regular Abishekam (hydration ceremony); however, this does not dilute the power of the energized statue.

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