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Guru Purnima Premier Package

Guru Purnima Premier Package

Invoke the blessings of the 18 Tamil Siddhas, Primordial Guru and Sapta Rishis on Guru Purnima for Spiritual and Material Wealth Blessings
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US $ 297.00
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  • Grand 18 Tamil Siddhas Homa (Honoring 18 Tamil Siddhas Fire Lab)
  • Food Feeding for 21 people
  • Product: Energized 5 Metal 1-inch Vysar Statue
  • Kamadhenu Homa (Desire Fulfilment Fire Lab)
  • Shreem Brzee and Gayatri Homa (Well Being and Prosperity Fire Lab)
  • Lakshmi Narayana Homa (Wealth Blessings Fire Lab)
  • Group Medha Suktam Homa (Honor the Goddess of Intellect Fire Lab)
  • Product: Energized Guru Feet-Cube
  • Product: Energized 5 Metal 3-inch Agastiya Statue

Invoke the blessings of the 18 Tamil Siddhas, Primordial Guru and Sapta Rishis on Guru Purnima for Spiritual and Material Wealth Blessings

5 Metal 3-inch Agasthayar Statue

Energized 5 Metal 3 inch Agastya Statue

Agastya, the leader of the Tamil Siddhas is revered as the Guru. His enlightenment is considered equal to that of Lord Shiva, the “God of Gods.” Keeping his statue in your prayer room or sacred altar and bring his blessing to you.

Energized Guru Feet-Cube

Energized Guru Feet Cube

The Guru’s feet are highly revered in the yogic tradition, considered to be the primary parts of the body through which divine consciousness flows. Having an image of the Guru’s feet is a technology to access his miraculous power wherever you are. The glass holographic cube of the Guru’s feet will be energized on your behalf during the Full Moon and delivered to you after the event.

Food Feeding for 21 People

Food Feeding for 21 People

Participate in the food feeding services on November 15th IST. Donating food to people frees you from problems and provides success in all walks of life. As you become part of the food feeding services to people, you will attract positive energy, peace of mind and Lord Shiva’s divine blessings. Choose the number of people you would like to feed to enrich your life.

Grand 18 Tamil Siddhas Homa (Honoring 18 Tamil Siddhas Fire Lab)

Grand 18 Tamil Siddhas Homa (Honoring 18 Tamil Siddhas Fire Lab)

Group Medha Suktam Homa (Honor the Goddess of Intellect Fire Lab)

Group Medha Suktam Homa (Honor the Goddess of Intellect Fire Lab)

Kamadhenu Homa (Desire Fulfilment Fire Lab)

Kamadhenu Homa (Desire Fulfilment Fire Lab)

Lakshmi Narayana Homa (Wealth Blessings Fire Lab)

Lakshmi Narayana Homa (Wealth Blessings Fire Lab)

Product: Energized 5 Metal 1 inch Vysar Statue

Product: Energized 5 Metal 1-inch Vysar Statue

Shreem Brzee and Gayatri Homa (Well Being and Prosperity Fire Lab)

Shreem Brzee and Gayatri Homa (Well Being and Prosperity Fire Lab)

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