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Rahu Ketu Transit Report on Academic and Educational Prospects of Your Child

Rahu Ketu Transit Report on Academic and Educational Prospects of Your Child

Academic success depends upon several factors beyond a student’s core intelligence, such as a focused mind, effective time management, a self-motivated nature, smart study skills, test-taking strategies, and stress management techniques.
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Academic success depends upon several factors beyond a student’s core intelligence, such as a focused mind, effective time management, a self-motivated nature, smart study skills, test-taking strategies, and stress management techniques.
Help your child accelerate their learning skills by analyzing their potential needs. Be a proper guide with the help of this personalized report on the academic and educational prospects of your child, which will support their own awakening process.
You will gain valuable insights on how to concentrate on the educational spectrum of your children and behavioral patterns. Stimulate your child's power and present them a great start to win and remain unbeatable in life through the suggested personalized remedies.
This report will be based primarily on the Moon Sign of the parent, in association with that of the child.

Children are categorized based on their age.

·   Pre-teens: up to 12 years of age
·   Teens: 13 to 19 years of age
Please Note: The birth details of both parent and child should be mentioned while ordering the report. You will receive your personalized Rahu-Ketu transit report on the academic and educational prospects of your child. Please allow 10 - 12 working days for delivery.

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